
The Starsearcher develops from time to time batch scripts. In the German part of his website he describes batch scripts step by step. In English this is not possible for him, because his English is poor. He decided to translate the code a little and to describe the functions. Most of the people, who have experience with batch scripts will understand. The code of the Starsearcher is easy, but effective and in Germany his website is well known - The statistic says that this website is under the first 120.000 in Germany.

All the following batch scripts are not destructive and there should be no danger to try the batch scripts. There could be problems, because I had to translate the text and there could be some mistakes. I use a German user interface, so it was really a hard job.

So I hope you enjoy the result of my work! I`m working with windows 7 32. The batch scripts should work with vista, but some commands definitely not work with XP...

You need only the editor of windows. Open an empty text document, copy the blue-green text  and  change the filename in *.bat . Then you close the batch script and start it with a normal double-click. For the most batch scripts you don`t need the rights of an administrator...

double finder
table batch script
Self learning batch script
switchbatch script
batch scripts for searching files beyond a certain size
executable file list
HTA - how to show other html-documents without frames

double finder

Well, I made two versions of the batch script. The first version is for finding double files in two folders without subfolders. The second version is created for one directory (folder and subfolders). I think that my way is world wide seldom...
However, the name of the batch script is not important.


SET /p original=Enter the path to the directoy with files you want compare
SET /p comparison=Enter the path to the directory with the duplicates
set /p extension=Enter the file extension without a dot!
chcp 28591 > NUL
for %%i in ("%original%\*.%extension%") do @echo %%~ni ^:%%~zi ^:%%i >>org.log
chcp 28591 > NUL
for %%i in ("%comparison%\*.%extension%") do @echo %%~ni ^:%%~zi ^:%%i >>comp.log
chcp 28591 > NUL
FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3* delims=:" %%i IN (org.log) DO echo %%i %%j %%k^:%%l >>result_%%j.log
chcp 28591 > NUL
FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3* delims=:" %%i IN (comp.log) DO echo %%i %%j %%k^:%%l >>result_%%j.log
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b /a-d result_*.log') do more +1 "%%a">new_%%a
copy new_*.log double.txt
del *.log

In the document double.txt are all doubles. There is the name of the file, the size of the files in bytes and the path to the double. You are right! The size and the file-extension are the criteria for the comparison. The result is pretty good.

Another version for one complete directory and all subfolders:

SET /p directory=enter the path to the directory
set /p extension=Enter the file extension without a dot!
chcp 28591 > NUL
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir %directory%\*.%extension% /s /b /a-d') do @echo %%~ni ^:%%~zi ^:%%i >>org.log
chcp 28591 > NUL
FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3* delims=:" %%i IN (org.log) DO echo %%i %%j %%k^:%%l >>result_%%j.log
chcp 28591 > NUL
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b /a-d result_*.log') do more +1 "%%a">new_%%a
copy new_*.log double.txt
del *.log


Table batch

You can two rows or tables in two different docs put side by side in a new document - this is normally a difficult action with a batch script!
I wrote this version in English - so it will work - try it!

You have to enter the name of the documents in the two red colored lines. tableone.txt and tabletwo.txt are only examples. You can use the file extensions *txt, *csv...
The result is in the result.txt - documents.


FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('findstr /N .* "tableone.txt"') DO echo %%A^: >> tableone.log
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('findstr /N .* "tabletwo.txt"') DO echo %%A^: >> tabletwo.log
FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=:" %%i IN (tableone.log) DO echo %%j >tableone_%%i.log
FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=:" %%i IN (tabletwo.log) DO echo %%j >tabletwo_%%i.log
set /a x=1
for /f "delims=" %%a in (tableone_%x%.log) do for /f "delims=" %%i in (tabletwo_%x%.log) do echo %%i%%a >tablenew_%x%.log
set /a x=%x%+1
if exist *_%x%.log (goto further) else goto final
set /a y=1
for /f "TOKENS=*" %%a in ('dir tablenew_%y%.log /b') do type "%%a" >> result.txt
set /a y=%y%+1
if exist tablenew_%y%.log (goto last) else goto nowend
FOR /F "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %%i IN (result.txt) DO echo %%i%%j >>resulttwo.txt
del *.log

In result.txt you have one colon as separator between the two tables in the document. In resulttwo.txt you have three blanks between the two old documents. It does not matter. you can correct this...


Self learning batch script

This batch script is learning, how to start a program with a keyword and creates an own memory. The next time you start the batch script, you can enter the keyword. The Starsearcher created some batch scripts to explore artificial intelligence...There is another version to learn faster, but one here is enough?!

Put the batch script in an empty folder and start the batch script


set /p progname= Hello, which program want you open today?
if exist %progname%.bat goto start
set /p path= do not know the program, enter the path to the exe!
chcp 28591 > NUL
create> %progname%.bat
Echo chcp 28591 ^> NUL >>%progname%.bat
Echo start "" "%path%" >>%progname%.bat
Echo exit >>%progname%.bat
chcp 28591 > NUL
start "" "%progname%.bat"
exit taskkill /IM cmd.exe

One example: you start the first time the batch script. The memory is empty. Now the program ask you, which program should be started by the batch script. Now enter for example internetexplorer. The batch script will answer : do not know the program, enter the path to the exe!

You have to enter the full path with the *.exe , for example C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe,  the program will  start and the batch script ends. The next time you start the batch script and enter internetexplorer. The internet explorer will start now. Why? The batch script made a notice in a new created batch script and know now the path of the internet explorer. If exist a new created batch script with the name internetexplorer, this batch script will be startet. On this way the batch skript learns step by step the paths and the names of the programs and will remember...By the way there are a lot of batch scripts in the folder, when you use the learn-batch script. Try it! Look in the folder with the learn batch script after using it and you will understand...
An interesting game or more - its your decision.


switchbatch script

This batch script switches between two states. There is a system for batch scripts to make decisions - the batch script makes an action and creates a document: this is the hint that there is another state. After a second start the batch script realizes that there is a document. So now a different action starts and the document will be destroyed by the batch script. So the batch script know after the next start that the state changed again....

This batch script starts the internet explorer and creates a document, which is called Time.log. In this document there is the date and time, when you start the batch script, the batch script opens the internet explorer.  Now you can use the internet explorer. When you are ready to close the internet explorer, start the batch script again. The batch script knows now that there is a open internet explorer, make a notice with the endtime and close the internet explorer.

Put the batch script in a folder or on the desktop!

if not exist time.log echo %date%>time.log
if exist change.txt goto change
start "" "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"
 ECHO %date% %Time% >>time.log
echo Dummytext >change.txt
goto end
ECHO %date% %Time% >>time.log
del change.txt
taskkill /IM iexplore.exe

How is it possible?

At the first time the batch script started there was created a document named change.txt. At the second start there exist the document change.txt and the second routine runs. After closing the internet explorer change.txt will be destroyed. So at the next start the first routine runs again.

This is nothing more as the indirectly way to determine the state of the internet explorer - Is it open or not?

Now you can use this way to change the registry for example: The decision between two values: If exist not a document the batch script changes a value and creates a document. When you start the batch script a second time, there is this document and the batch script starts a second routine and enter the old value in the registry and destroys after this action the document. After the next start the document not exist...

Maybe one example in form of a small batch script. The batch script changes the registry. There are two states: The first state shows all file-extensions on the desktop or in folders. The second state is the normal view in the explorer. All file-extensions like *.jpg, *.docx are hidden. Try the batch script. There is no risk. After changing the value in the registry the process explorer.exe will be closed and then in the next moment the explorer starts again. So You see the result immediately and you don`t have to restart the system.

if exist change.txt goto statetwo
reg add hkcu\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced /v HideFileExt /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
taskkill /f /IM explorer.exe
start explorer.exe
goto ende
reg add hkcu\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced /v HideFileExt /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
del change.txt
taskkill /f /IM explorer.exe
start explorer.exe

Well, the batch script uses the change.txt to remember, if the value 1 or 2 exist in the registry.  The action depends on the existing of the change.log. Easy to understand. It is just another form of the switchbatch script. The textdocument is only a criteria for the following action...

You see -  the batch script is not important, only the way...


batch script for searching files beyond a certain size

In this case we need two batch scripts. The first name is not important, but the second must be help.bat

size.bat (name ist not important)

SET /p path=enter the path to the highest folder in the directory!
set /p extension=enter the extension of the file without a dot
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir %path%\*.%extension% /s /b /a-d') do @echo %%~zi^:%%~ni^:%%i >>gro.log
FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3* delims=:"  %%i  IN (gro.log) DO echo %%i %%j %%k^:%%l >>%%i.log
FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3* delims=:"  %%i  IN (gro.log) DO call help.bat %%i %%j %%k:%%l
del *.log

help.bat enter this name or change the name after the call - command in the first batch script...

set /a x=%1
if %x% lss 50000 del %x%.log
if %x% GEQ 50000 echo %1 %2 %3 >> result.txt

You only have to start the size.bat. At the moment the batch script searches files over 50000 Bytes! You can change the values, but you have
to change the values two times in the help.bat. The files will be listed in the result.txt

The following command-line could be interesting for you!

for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir %pfad%\*.%extension% /s /b /a-d') do @echo %%~zi^:%%~ni^:%%i >>gro.log

The folder and the subfolders will be proofed.

However, this batch script is simular to the double-finder batch script...


executable file list

It is easy to create a normal file list with the dir - command, but it is only with a special command possible to create a executable file list. However, I used the command-line:
You have to put the batch script in the highest folder of a directory or path. The subfolders are also included.

Then you start the batch: Enter the file extension without a dot. The batch will create the file list relative to the batch script.

The result.htm must be opened by the internet explorer

By the way it is possible to make hyperlinks to files or documents on your PC. It does not work online! A little more professional is to use a *.hta...

set /p extension= enter the extension without a dot!
set destination=%~dp0%
chcp 28591 > NUL
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir "%destination%*.%extension%" /s /b /a-d') do @echo %%~zi^:%%~ni^:%%i >>result.log
>"%destination%new.htm"  ECHO ^<html^>
>>"%destination%new.htm" ECHO ^<head^>
>>"%destination%new.htm" ECHO ^<style type="text/css"^>
>>"%destination%new.htm" ECHO a {color:#FFFF33; font-size:10pt; font-family:verdana,sans-serif,tahoma; text-decoration:none}
>>"%destination%new.htm" ECHO a:hover {color:#FF0000; font-size:10pt; font-family:verdana,sans-serif,tahoma; text-decoration:none}
>>"%destination%new.htm" ECHO a.menu1 {color:#FFFFFF; font-family:verdana,sans-serif,tahoma; font-size:8pt; text-decoration:none}
>>"%destination%new.htm" ECHO a.menu1:hover {color:#FF0000; font-family:verdana,sans-serif,tahoma; font-size:8pt; text-decoration:none}
>>"%destination%new.htm" ECHO a.menu2 {color:#FFFFFF; font-family:verdana,sans-serif,tahoma; font-size:9pt; text-decoration:none}
>>"%destination%new.htm" ECHO a.menu2:hover {color:#FF0000; font-family:verdana,sans-serif,tahoma; font-size:9pt; text-decoration:none}
>>"%destination%new.htm" ECHO ^</style^>
>>"%destination%new.htm" ECHO ^</head^>
>>"%destination%new.htm" ECHO ^<body style="color: white; background-color: black;" alink="red"
>>"%destination%new.htm" ECHO link="yellow" vlink="#3333ff"^>
chcp 28591 > NUL
for /F "delims=: tokens=1,2,3*" %%i in (result.log) do nothing >>new_%%i.log & >>"new_%%i.log" Echo ^<p class=MsoNormal^>^<span lang=EN style='font-weight:normal'^>^<a href="%%k:%%l"^>filename %%j size %%i^</a^>^</span^>^</p^>
copy new_*.log result.log
copy new.htm + result.log result.htm
del *.log
del new.htm
>>"%destination%result.htm" ECHO ^</body^>
>>"%destination%result.htm" ECHO ^</html^>


HTA - how to show other html-documents without frames

Sometimes the starsearcher develops a little bit the hta-world. This small hta demonstrates, how to show other html-sides without frames in a DIV-Container of a hta:

< title>TEST</title>
< hta:application scroll="no" windowState="normal">
<style type="text/css">
.auto {
background: #00BFFF;
height: 300px;
overflow: auto;
width: 400px;
border: 1px solid #000;
padding: 10px;
<script language="VBScript">
sub Rundoku
set oFSO=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set oFile=oFSO.OpenTextFile("some.htm",1)
document.all.DataArea.InnerHTML = text
end sub
< div id=DataArea class="auto"><center><input id=runbutton class="button" type="button" value="result" name="run_button" onClick="Rundoku"></center></div>

Well,  you have to to change the green some.htm to the name of your html, htm or txt-document. After using the result-button, you will see your document in the div-container.
The size of the container is defined in the css-document (red).

However, you should use a container to determine the design in the hta.

The container includes a scrollbar (overflow: auto;). All the text will be shown. Hyperlinks work of course also.

It is possible with *.txt, too

The big advantage is, that you can determine the color of the container with css.

For example: It is not possible with frames and the command about blank to change the white color. If you go the way of the starsearcher, you can do it simply better!

Another variation is to get all the text from clipboard. Copy a text to the clipboard and start the hta:

     <hta:application scroll="no" windowState="normal">
<style type="text/css">
 .auto {
 background: #00BFFF;
 height: 300px;
 overflow: auto;
 width: 400px;
 border: 1px solid #000;
 padding: 10px;
<script language="VBScript">
sub Rundoku
      DataArea.InnerHTML = document.parentwindow.clipboardData.GetData("text")
End Sub
     <div id=DataArea class="auto"><center><input id=runbutton  class="button" type="button" value="result" name="run_button"  onClick="Rundoku"></center></div>

